What to expect at the 10 AM Sunday Service:
Welcome to New Life Alliance Church
Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to look around and learn a little more about us. Or better yet, join us for our service Sundays at 10 AM.
What you can expect upon arriving at the Church:
The first thing you'll notice is the friendly smile that will greet you as you enter the building, and the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Feel free to pour yourself a cup and make your way into the church.
What happens during the worship service:
- Announcements are scrolled on the wall at the front of the church from 9:50-10 AM Sunday mornings, just prior to the service.
- There is singing of hymns as well as choruses.
- An offering is received from our congregation for the work of God's kingdom, both here and around the world.
- Children from 0-8 years old are dismissed for their own teaching time in Junior Church.
- A message is presented that is designed to help us understand and apply the teachings of the Bible.
- Afterwards, there is time for more coffee, a snack, and opportunity for informal conversation
Sunday School is Sundays at 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (provided September through June)
There are a number of Sunday School classes, according to age, for the further study of the Bible and it's application to our lives.